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Installation: Night Shift May 6, 2015

Posted by indigobunting in Uncategorized.

Five bronze female figures, full size (~67 inches), horizontal. Outdoor presentation preferable, on grass. Presented in a line, slightly staggered.

Figure 1: Savasana (supine, corpse pose)

Figure 2: Felled tree (supine, left foot to right knee)

Figure 3: Half fetus (side lying [right], knees at about 90 degrees)

Figure 4: Fleeing GSW (prone, right knee at about 45 degrees, chalk outline)

Figure 5: Props (side lying [left], left leg straight, right knee at 90 degrees, supported by bronze pillow)

To make exhibit interactive, place full watering cans at either end. Lightly sprinkle figures.


1. Dona - May 7, 2015


2. Mali - May 11, 2015

I like the visual images. #5 though made me think of (what I have heard about) OM. But then the interactive nature would be different.

3. Eulalia Benejam Cobb - May 25, 2015

TWO watering cans?

indigobunting - May 26, 2015

It gives everybody a chance.

4. guacachocolatte - June 14, 2015

I love these installations (and were you a writer for Twin Peaks?).

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