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Pennsylvania April 21, 2016

Posted by indigobunting in Uncategorized.

Pennsylvania is my junior year of high school (that year my dad took a sabbatical) and me thinking I could be someone else for a year, but finding out that I was, alas, still me. State College, though, was a great town.

Pennsylvania is Gettysburg, just over the border, a half-hour or so away from my Maryland town, where Sue and I would see summer stock and eat cheesecake at the Lincoln Diner. It’s hanging out at Fantasyland when she worked there and with the whole cast between shows. It’s hours and hours at the battlefield with high school buddies and a candlelit picnic at Devil’s Den. It’s biking there later with Tim, in college, then sometimes on weekends when we lived in DC, and even twice in recent memory when we could steal away from family and rent bikes and make it happen. It’s that one time I got a serious case of poison ivy on parts of my body you would not think would be exposed to such a thing. It’s that other time we were resting on a bridge and the bird we’d been looking for—a red-headed woodpecker—landed on a branch above us.

Pennsylvania is college and camp counseling. It’s sugaring at the field station. It’s falling in love, or trying to, or trying not to.

Pennsylvania is my wedding day.

Pennsylvania is my husband’s family and holidays. It’s some beautiful fishing spots. It’s a lot of people I’ve loved since the day we met.

Been there?: Yes


1. susan365 - April 21, 2016

I’m glad you have so many lovely Pennsylvania memories to counteract the poison ivy. We wage a constant war with it here.

2. Bridgett - April 28, 2016

this might be my favorite thus far.

3. guacachocolatte - May 1, 2016

I love this one too. And dare I ask how you got poison on parts of your body you would not think would be exposed to such a thing–does it have something to do with the candlelit picnic?

indigobunting - May 2, 2016

You’re on the right track, but they were separate incidents.

4. Mali - May 30, 2016

Oh yes, this one was fabulous. I’m glad Helen said what I was thinking.

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